

Database: Quantum great differential

We have qualified databases, constantly updated, treated by a team of experts generating information with a high degree of accuracy.

The comprehensiveness and relevance of the information contained in our databases are one of our great differentials, offering the opportunity to obtain the insights needed for your decision-making.

Remembering that all our bases have the exclusive technology Atom Expert System (AES) that through artificial intelligence makes sophisticated data crossings, generating accurate and up-to-date information.

Check out the main assets types that make up our foundations, and understand how Quantum can help your day to day:

The numbers below are constantly updated, for this reason may vary from what we currently have on the system.


More than 7,300 debentures, of government and private issuance, including data such as: historical, performance analytics, mark to market and held to maturity prices, and new issues.

Listed companies and their stocks

Extensive database of more than 1,500 Brazilian companies and its stocks, covering all companies listed on the CVM. With information such as: financial statements, fundamentals, historical market quotes, corporate actions, real-time quotes, insider trading, free float and shorting.


More than 14,000 stocks contemplating information on price history and earnings.

Credit rights funds (FIDC)

More than 1,600  FIDCs and 4,000 series contemplating information by funds and series, such as: daily returns adjusted for payments, ratings issued by risk rating agencies, risk and performance analytics (PDD, CVNP, Repurchases, % subordination), complete history of the quota and AUM, secondary market trading, characteristics of the emissions of new series.

Investment funds

More than 30,000 funds contemplating various information such as: quota holder, all sort of risk analytics (Sharpe, VaR, etc.), expenses, , management institutions and manager info, ranking tools, live and dead funds, distributors and digital , holdings, industry aggregates.

Real estate investment fund (FII)

More than 700 funds contemplating various relevant information such as: market price, vacancy rate and default, renters and sectors of operation, duration, rental contracts, gross area of revenue, expenses, investment purpose, location and quantity of real estate, return calculation, dividend yield and other market and operational analytics.

Private equity fund (FIP)

More than 1,800 funds with many relevant information such as: investment policy, portfolio holdings, target companies, concentration limit per holding, periods of investment and divestment, triggers of default in the integralization, late payment, quota holders, manager, , expenses fees, and daily evolution of the quota and PL.

Forward contracts

More than 19,000 contracts contemplating information such as: emission data and prices.

Private retirement plans (PGBL/VGBL)

More than 13,900 plans contemplating various information such as: loading fees, portability and redemption grace period, income, % FIE variable income, funds x plans, and monthly report of retirement fund providers.

Stock options

More than 150,000 stock options contemplating information such as: emission data, exercise prices and historical series.

Other derivatives

More than 23,000 derivatives consisting of futures contracts, index option, commodities options and option on futures.


More than 800 ADRs and BDRs, contemplating information on the historical of prices and corporate actions.

Pension funds (EFPC)

More than 300 pension funds with information such as: portfolio holdings sponsors data, consulting and auditors, documents (investment policy and annual report), quota and plan’s profitability.

Estate and municipal pension plan (RPPS)

More than 2,100 pension schemes contemplating various information such as: portfolio holdings, sponsors, AUM, investment policy limits, panels for analysis of funds purchased over time.

Banking CDs and other securities

More than 300,000 securities (CRI, CRA, CDB, CCB, LCA, LCI and others) contemplating various information such as: historical prices, performance analytics, curve price,  payments and new issues.

Indexes and currencies

More than 600 indexes contemplating various information such as: index values, return analytics and index constituents.

Private companies

More than 25,000 companies contemplating information such as: financial statements, fundamentalist indicators, sector groupings, management, partners and documents.

Government bonds

Base with more than 1,900 securities contemplating various information such as: historical prices, performance analytics, curve price and new issues


All Brazilian ETFs and more than 2,000 international ETFs, including various information: historical series, holdings, qualitative info and quantitative analytics.

Offshore funds

For Latam, Hedge Funds, US and Europe funds contact our customer service for more information.

Quantum indexes

Check out the indexes created by Quantum, to generate a better mapping of the Brazilian market.
