
Quantum Portfolio: ideal solution for those who need to create, compare and manage investment portfolios

Check out the information about our Quantum Portfolio solution and understand why it may be the most assertive option for you!

If you are looking for a solution that allows you to build, manage and analyze portfolios through an easy-to-use, qualified database platform, Quantum Portfolio is the right choice.

Quantum Portfolio: the best option to make the selection, management and monitoring of investment portfolios.

Quantum Portfolio is our solution focused on the creation, management and analysis of investment portfolios that can be composed:

Corporate bonds



Fixed rate CDs




Fixed income bonds

Government bonds

International assets

Investment funds

Quantum Portfolio: easy to use and access

The entire form of access to the solution is done online. You can log into the system through mobile devices or web browser and provide access to your customers.

Quantum Portfolio: How can I use it?

Use our solution to:

Create portfolios, compare and analyze them;

Monitor your portfolios;

Backtest investment portfolios;

Schedule the receipt of the results automatically.

Quantum Portfolio: differentials that only our solution has

Quantum has to you, a specialized support team, that will meet your doubts, provide training and support your team, giving total freedom to use our tools and databases.

Exclusive Atom Expert System (AES) technology that uses artificial intelligence to make sophisticated intersections among different financial databases, generating robust, accurate and constantly updated information.

With our differentials you will be able to obtain sophisticated solutions to meet the financial market. We are ready to help you meet the expectations of your most demanding customers. Count on us!

Get in touch with us.
