
Asset comparator: a free solution Quantum offers you

Get access to thousands of assets with reliable data using the same database that the largest investment-related institutions in Brazil rely on to make their decisions.

See all relevant information about our Asset Comparator solution and understand why it can be an alternative for those looking for a tool that helps to easily compare their assets.

If you are looking for a solution that allows you to compare assets through an easy-to-use, qualified database platform, The Asset Comparator is the right option, and is completely free.

Asset comparator: Quantum quality in free tool

With the Asset Comparator you can compare funds, retirement plans, stocks, debentures, CDBs, government bonds and more. Compare multiple assets at once!

Get access to thousands of assets with reliable data with the same information that the largest investment-related institutions in Brazil rely on to make their decisions.

Watch the video next to the asset comparator.

Asset comparator: use anywhere

The entire form of access to the solution is done online. You can log into the system through mobile devices or web browser.

Asset comparator: how can I use it?

Use our solution to:

Quick search any financial asset;

Compare relevant asset characteristics;

Perform return and risk analyses;

View fund portfolios holdings;

Simulate gross and net returns on fees and taxes;

Generate PDF reports and send it directly to your email or share on social networks.

Asset comparator: How do I get access?

To gain access to the asset comparator you must enter the solution site, and complete the access request form. Remember that to get into the tool, you must be a professional who works in the financial market, our team individually evaluates all requests made through the site.
